Thursday, February 7, 2013

Matriarchs in the Amidah - To Add or Not to Add?

We compared the text of the Amidah in several siddurim, and highlighted some of the major differences among the Movements (Conservative, Orthodox, etc.). 

Some Conservative schools and synagogues add the Imahot into the beginning of the Amidah, and others do not.  Some choose to add the Imahot on certain occasions such as Rosh Hodesh. 

We listed the "pros" and "cons" of changing the original text of the liturgy by adding the Imahot into the prayer.  Which arguments on both sides did you find compelling?  Do you (or would you) prefer to include the Imahot in your own Amidah?  Why or why not?

To view the Teshuva by Rabbi Golinkin, who advises inserting a "piyut" (liturgical poem) about the Imahot into the Amidah instead of changing the original text, click here:
Piyut for the Imahot