Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Reflection

We looked at the prayer "Mizmor L'todah" in morning Tefillot - it is a reminder of the "Thanksgiving Offering" (Sacrifice) that people would bring to Hashem after surviving a dangerous situation.

Consider the following questions, and answer each one briefly:

  • This "todah" sacrifice was originally brought by people after a life-threatening situation. Why is it now recited every morning in the siddur? 

  • The prayer says "Ivdu et Hashem bsimcha", meaning, "serve Hashem with happiness!"  (We learned the song with claps...) What do you think is the connection between being thankful and being happy? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Teva Trip Tefillot

* At Teva you had the opportunity to be outside for tefillot.  Did this environment make it easier to have "koved rosh"?  Why or why not?

* We can't wait a full hour before tefillot like the Hasidim haRishonim.  What is something you think we can do at school to increase the level of koved rosh?