Thursday, May 24, 2012

Exploring Tefillah in Israeli Popular Music

Consider the following questions about the songs we discussed: 

Which song seems most like a tefillah to you?   What "type" of tefillah (shevach, bakasha, etc.) would you characterize it as?

Which song seems least like a tefillah? 

Which song resonates or "speaks" to you?

** Here are links to some of the music - enjoy! 

Anachnu lo Tzrichim:

K'shehalev Bocheh  -


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hineni Muchan Umezuman

As we near the end of Sefirat Ha-Omer, consider the following:

** What is the purpose of stopping to say the "hineni muchan umezuman" passage before the counting of the Omer, or the "Hineni" before putting on Tallit and Tefillin? 

** What is something that you do quickly without thinking much, and what is something you carefully prepare for?
** Saying these extra "kavanot" slows down the service a bit.  Do you prefer tefillot that move at a quick pace or go slowly?  Why?