Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baruch She'amar - The Power of Speech (by Y.V.)

The first chapter of B’reishit tells the Jewish people that G-d created the world through divine speech.  “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”  Merriam Webster’s defines speech as “the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking.”  Speech inspires action, which in turn leads to change.  Without the power of speech, where would we be?  Speech is a true gift from Hashem that grants humans the right to reflect their thoughts and belief through speaking.  If it was not for speech, every human in this world would be exactly the same.
Speech can be used to inspire, create, and make one feel an emotion for the better or for the worse.   Speech makes the difference between life and death.  Eric Mohat, a 17 year old boy, was harassed so mercilessly every day of his life that he could not take it any longer.  When a boy in his math class told him, "why don't you go home and shoot yourself,” he did.  This proves that speech can also be extremely dangerous. When it is used in the wrong way, many can get hurt.  Speech can also benefit many when it is used with good purposes in mind.   Martin Luther King, Jr. was a prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.  Through speech he was able to grant many people rights they deserved as equal human beings.  Without King, the world would be more unjust than it already is.
Speech really is a godly power.  Adonai has granted humans the authority to make a difference in His world.  This factor makes us similar to Him. Along with G-d, we inspire the world through speech, a true godly quality.
(-Yoav V, Kitah Het)


  1. This is very well written! What an interesting perspective!

  2. In the Baruch She-amar, it says that God remains active in our everyday personal lives. I agree with this theory. Although I believe this, I also think that God wants us to take care of the world that He has created for our benefit, and to try to improve our world in as many ways as possible. Knowing that God is in my personal life helps me make better decisions and good choices. Remembering that God created the universe for us keeps Him present in my everyday life as well.

    Before I act, and especially before I speak, I reflect on what God will think of me when I behave in a certain way, and whether He will be pleased. Words can have a powerful effect on others, both for good and for evil. I think that this quote by Napoleon Hill is especially relevant to this situation:
    “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant
    the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”
    Once the words have left my mouth, I can not take them back. Long after I have forgotten what I said, my words may still have an effect on the person who heard them. By keeping God in my life, I try to make my words positive and encouraging, because that brings more happiness to the world.
    Knowing that God is active in my personal life and that He sees and hears everything that I do, really influences my control over my actions. We treat each other with more respect when we know that God is watching. We want to keep our environment clean and protected, when we know that God is watching. God relies upon us to bring peace to the world by sharing and being generous with our time and our efforts to help others.

    During the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we are most aware of God’s presence and His review of what we have done and said this past year. We want Hashem to inscribe our names in the Book of Life for the coming year. We know that in order to fulfill that goal, we have to correct the mistakes of the past and try to be better people in our day-to-day lives. Everyone wants God to be pleased with her and while God loves everyone, He could still be disappointed in our actions. Doing Tishuva and asking for forgiveness shows God that we are thinking about His role in our lives and that He is important to us. During these holidays we look back at the previous year and think about how we acted in certain situations and how we can change our behavior for the better. By keeping God present in my life, I think more about what I do or say, and become a better person.

    1. I agree with this theory. I think it is very important to think before you speak. Once you say something, there is no way to take it back. Sometimes words can be more hurtful than actions. Because I know that God is watching me I am more careful everyday with my actions and how I treat others.
