The Haggadah says we begin the Pesach story with the genut (negative part), and end with the shevach (praiseworthy part). But what is the "genut" and the "shevach" of the story? Some Rabbis said the bad part was slavery and the good part was freedom; others said it was starting off as idol worshippers, and then finally worshipping God. What do you think is the real genut and shevach of the Israelites' story?
* Beyond the Passover story, we might also have our own "genut" and "shevach" about Judaism itself. In other words, your "shevach" would be something you like or makes you proud, or is very meaningful to you about Judaism, and your "genut" would be something you don't like or that make you uncomfortable. What in Jewish tradition, history or practice is the genut for you, and what is the shevach?
[Some of your screen shots appear below!]